‘Political agendas’ standing in the way of family court solution
It's deeply frustrating to see funding for the Burnie Family Law Court kicked to the curb once again.
Last week's federal budget didn't deliver much for Tasmania, but there was hope that we might finally fix this years-long issue.
The Burnie Federal Circuit and Family Law Court hasn't had a permanent home since 2021.
The issue flared up last year when the court was no longer able to operate out of the Burnie Arts and Function Centre, and has been ongoing ever since. With the state government building a shiny new court complex in Burnie, it makes sense that the Family Law Court would operate from this building.
Federal and state governments, councils and the court themselves all agree. So why isn't it sorted out yet?
The state and federal Attorney-Generals are behaving like two naughty school kids who have to be sent to the principal's office.
They've publicly fought over who's replied to who's letters, and what information they've received.
Then last week, Braddon MP Gavin Pearce entered the fray, expressing his disappointment that funding wasn't in the budget. But it's too little too late from Mr Pearce.
Where was he in 2021, when the court was pushed out of its home the first time. If this had been addressed sooner, we wouldn't still be talking about it three years later.
While the political war over who pays what continues, North-West Coasters are the ones left hanging.
If a permanent solution isn't agreed on soon, it's likely that North-West Coast families will find themselves travelling to Launceston for court hearings.
For someone from Smithton using public transport, it'd mean taking a six-hour, three-bus journey one way to get to a Family Court hearing. Not to mention accommodation costs if you have to stay overnight.
Any single one of us might need the Family Law Court one day.
Everyone should have access to justice - it shouldn't depend on your postcode, or how close you live to a major city. North-West Coast residents don't deserve to be treated like the poor cousins of our city counterparts.
Time is running out before the new Burnie Court Complex needs to move forward. The state and federal governments aren't doing Tasmanians a community service by playing the blame game and saying something's 'not their problem'.
We know what the solution is. It's just political agendas and egos getting in the way.
Originally published in The Burnie Advocate, 21st May 2024.
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