Bring ALDI to Tasmania
Tasmania deserves cheaper grocery prices too.
Tasmanians are getting ripped off at the checkout. And we’re drawing the short straw because we don’t have enough choice when it comes to supermarkets.
Woolworths and Coles dominate in Tasmania. It means they can set their prices high, promote dodgy sales that aren’t really sales, and know that we’ll still shop there because we don’t have any other choice. Competition brings down prices. That’s what a third chain would provide.
If we want lower grocery prices, we need more supermarket options.
When ALDI comes to a regional town, the prices at Woolworths and Coles go down[1]. A 2024 CHOICE report comparing the price of essential groceries from Woolies, Coles and Aldi said that Tasmania is paying more for groceries because we don’t have ALDI. [2]
In a cost of living crisis, everyone’s feeling the pinch – especially when it comes to the weekly grocery shop. I know what that’s like. When I was a struggling single mum, I’d look at what was in my basket and have to put things back on the shelf, because I knew I couldn’t afford it all. I’d look around to see if anyone else noticed me doing it. If someone I knew would see I was struggling.
I don’t want people feeling like this because of cowboy supermarkets greedy for sky-high profits.
The evidence is clear: if we want cheaper grocery prices, we need ALDI to come to Tassie.
ALDI’s put Tasmania in the too hard basket. They reckon it’s too difficult to set up shop in Tasmania.
So let’s show them that opening in Tasmania will be worth their while.
Sign the petition to tell ALDI to come to Tassie. Get your friends to sign it. And their friends. And then your grandma. Every single voice counts. We’ll show ALDI Tasmania can’t be ignored.