2024 — what just happened?

We made it out in one piece, more or less.

Rotten Apples

By Rotten Apples

December 20, 2024

News from Launceston is that a sink hole has opened up. For those who aren’t sure what a sink hole is, it’s where a huge hole appears and if it isn’t fixed, things will fall into it.

Luckily we have a Premier who is adept at fixing potholes in the road.

Although this is quite a large sink hole, it isn’t as big as the one in Devonport. It’s swallowed up , , and soon it will swallow the Premier himself. This is one hole he can’t fix.

In Tasmania, the word of the year is ‘fiasco’. It describes how we have new ferries that can’t berth, which are stored in Scotland and are costing the taxpayer more and more and more each day.  It’s an indictment on how badly things have been run in Tasmania this year.

So any positives to take from 2024?

Saul Eslake was brought in to tell the kids in Parliament some grown-up truths about the . While not good news, at least Tasmanian’s know what we’re facing into.

The stadium, a daft idea at best, is at least GST exempt, thanks to Tammy. That’s a plus.

Also, the Bridgewater Bridge is almost built. And almost on time and almost on budget. Almost good news.

So what needs sorting in 2025?

First; a decision around Macquarie Harbour needs to be made. needs to be allowed, full stop. Livelihoods depend on it.

Second; stop the government selling off assets to pay for their debts. Keep the Treasury Building and the Public Trustee. Save by scrapping the stadium if needs be.

Third; invest time as well as money into Family Day Care centres. Don’t close them.

Fourth; build more houses. Bring our towns back to life with medium to high density homes for you and old, rich and poor alike. Or just for those struggling in the middle to find a home.

Fifth; bring the ferries home from Scotland.

There’s much more to be done. There should be another state election in 2025, one where parties will need input from independents and not just a document that allows the government to do as they wish. Only then will the issues be tackled and not ignored.

Jeremy, I think it’s time you left and handed over to someone else. It will free you up to fix the sinkholes your government has caused.

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