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Before you go...

Talk to us! Can we chat about your donation?

We want to learn more about you and what made you decide to donate today. It's part of making sure we're listening to our strongest supporters and understaniding what's clicking with them — what's not clicking, too — and helping us to do more, better, more often!

Best of all, it takes no time at all. Three questions and you're good to go. Promise.

What made you decide to donate today?

Maybe it was something you saw in particular, or something you heard. Let us know!

Would you like to pass on a message to Tammy?

This is a great way to personalize your donation. Anything you share here gets sent to Tammy's email, so please be nice!

What would you say to others thinking about supporting Tammy?

We'll read these and share them with others who are thinking about donating.